If you have any photos from the 20th (or other events), we
would love to post them! These are from the Scanticon 20th Reunion
and are copies from a photo board that Bonnie McCannel put together from
original B&W shots.
Click any Photo
for large view
Note: Main people in
foreground are listed; photos are edited for posting size.
Photos from unknown photographer.
5. Dave Frost
6. ?
7: Kris Young
8. Steve Betker and Audrey Warrus
9. ?; Brian Henning
10. Kris Young
11. ?; Steve Tibbets
12: Shari Stephenson; Lucia Harmon
13: Steve Feig
14: Linda Campbell
15: ?
16: Debbie Duepner
17: Bill Scheller
18: George Braun and spouse
19:Mary Schnabel; Mark Lundberg; Mary Etzel
20: Tim Hawthorne; Bonnie McCannel
21: Mike Colson
22: Dan Goodmunson
23: Louise Nelson
24: Betsy Cady
25: Gigi (Haglund) and Norberto Villamil
26: Shari Stephenson; Lucia Harmon; Jeff Lambert
27: Sue Hursh
28: Lynn Virgilio, Jeff Rice, Randy Lofgren,
Deb Duepner, Bill Sheller, Marilyn Streeter