55th Reunion - French Park
September 9, 2023 |
1. Sue Wells
and Paul Titcombe |
2. The Outdoors Crowd! |
3. Lucia, Julie and Susie re-live past reunions |
4: Mary Stuart Snyder |
Some people like to be photographed more than others. If you have some
good photos, contact us!
55th Reunion
Click any Photo
for large view Note: Main people in
foreground are listed; photos are edited for posting size. Original Images
available by request Photos from Name |
5. Jerry Jubert |
6. Lucia Harmon,
Louise Nelson,
Dusty Macgregor,
Susie Hursh |
7: Deer attempts to crash party |
8. Even after the event was over, they couldn't get enough!
9. Kris Young |
10. Sue Wells |
11. Steve Zank and Dayton Berg have a chat |
Jim Erickson couldn't join due to recent surgery but sends greetings!
Note: Apparently no one else took photos, so here is a
photo of the guy taking the reunion pictures while on vacation!
Jeff Walton |